Geomorphology and Sediment Transport
WEST is internationally recognized for our capabilities in sedimentation and geomorphology, with expert knowledge on mud and debris flows and their effects on alluvial fan flooding. Our geomorphic and sediment transport engineering investigations have included identification of hydrologic alterations, controlling physical processes, sediment budgets, environmental impact assessments, and restoration designs.
WEST’s Geomorphology and Sediment Transport services include:
- Bridge Scour Potential Assessment
- Channel Migration Studies
- Coastal Erosion Analysis
- Mud & Debris Flow Hazard Analysis & Mitigation
- Reservoir Sedimentation
- Rosgen Level I, II, III Analyses
- Watershed Sediment Yield Estimates
- Sediment Transport Analysis & Modeling
- Streambank Erosion Control Design
- Sand & Gravel Mining Impact Assessment & Mitigation
Partial Client List
- Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw and Pittman, NY
- Placer County Water Agency, CA
- Southwest Gas, NV
- State Line Gage Subcommittee, WY & NE
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Various Locations

Featured Projects
- Geren Island Flow Maintenance Project (OR)
- Geomorphology Study of Fargo, ND/Moorhead, MN Flood Risk Management Project (ND, MN)
- Mount St. Helens Hydrologic, Hydraulic, and Sedimentation Analyses (OR)
- Niobrara River Regional Sediment Management Plan (NE)
- Reservoir Sedimentation Information (RSI) Updates (Nationwide)
- Palm Canyon Wash Streambed Stability Analysis (CA)